Pavlova Day

Happy Australia Day every-one. As Canberra is the national capital, there is no shortage of Australian flags on display. I shot this beauty at the National Portrait Gallery.

In honour of Australia Day, I decided to bake something with an Australian flavour. Traditionally this is a day for eating lamb so I was looking for something that would go with lamb. I thought about making some lamingtons but I couldn't bear the thought of the chocolate coated and coconut covered fingers that entails so I decided to make a pavlova instead.

Legend has it that Bert Sachse, a chef in Perth, created the pavlova in honour of Anna Pavlova who was touring Australia at the time. Somehow the kiwis claim that they invented the dish but no matter - it's an antipodean classic of soft centred meringue topped with whipped cream and fruit though I substituted fromage frais for the whipped cream. 

Traditionally it's topped with strawberries and passion fruit to counterbalance the sweetness of the meringue. Great minds think alike and one of my favourite food bloggers Bea, at La Tartine Gourmande also featured a pavlova on her blog this week.

I haven't had pavlova in a long time and I was a bit worried I might find it a bit too sweet for my taste. Now I'm glad I made 2 mini pavlovas because the first one tasted so good I wolfed it down in one sitting! Roast lamb for dinner followed by pavlova. Yum!


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