Torta di Pere Version 2

I decided to bake the torte in my oblong tin, firstly because it's my favourite tin and secondly to see if the tin was still functional. The tin suffered a recent traumatic incident which involved a clueless 24 year old male colleague and a garbage bin. The tin was rescued from the bin and I attempted to flatten out the base. The tin is now a bit unstable and bends when full so I'm not sure if I'll be able to use it in the future. Replacement cost $35.00!

I bought some ceramic baking beads at The Bay Tree on Saturday. I've been using dried chick peas to weigh the pastry down when baking" blind" and I decided it was time to upgrade to something a little better. I prepared the tart shell the night before and was up bright and early Sunday morning making the pastry cream. Once the pastry shell cooled I put the torte together - no lumps in the pastry cream this time; no collapsing pastry and the gas oven didn't go out either. 1 hour later a delicious aroma emanated from the kitchen and the pear torte was done.

I took the pear torte into work on Monday and it was demolished in an hour. The verdict - delicious.
yum-meee!!! Looks great!