Meringue, strawberry and passionfruit curd cake

I'm meeting a friend for dinner tonight so I'm posting a bit earlier than usual. It's absolutely freezing out there so I'll be rugging up before stepping outside the front door. I had so many egg whites leftover from my citrus curd marathon a few weeks ago, making a pavlova seemed the best way to use some of the egg whites. I saw this photo and recipe in Gourmet Traveller a few months ago and was just waiting for the right time to make my own version. A work colleague's birthday seemed a good enough reason.

I'm not a great fan of bananas so used strawberries instead. I also used my own meringue and passionfruit curd recipes but I certainly took my inspiration from the magazine.

I managed to carry the creation to work on the train and it survived! One of my workmates declared it the best pavlova ever and ate 3 pieces! She also asked for the recipe but as she has never done much baking, I think she'll find the recipe a bit too challenging.

Back to work again tomorrow.....


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