Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes
I'm still finding time to bake (just) so here is last week's efforts. Do you remember a few weeks ago I made a pumpkin spice cake? Whilst it tasted very nice, it didn't particularly taste like pumpkin. I wanted to make it again with a few changes. Instead of oil I used butter, which I creamed with the sugars. I cut out the crushed pineapple completely and instead of using raw grated pumpkin, I oven baked the pumpkin until it was soft.

I come from Queensland and I grew up eating pumpkin as a vegetable. Apart from pumpkin scones, I don't ever remember eating pumpkin as a dessert until I was a teenager. For some reason I decided to make pumpkin pie from one of my parents American recipe books. It tasted fine but still to me pumpkin was and is a savoury vegetable and tastes best when roasted. Roast pumpkin with lamb, pumpkin soup, roast pumpkin and ricotta canelloni, roast pumpkin risotto and even roast pumpkin, feta and olive pizza. I'm not alone in my love of the humble pumpkin, we even have our own pumpkin, the Queensland Blue. Last year the pumpkin even hit the wedding design blogging world, when it appeared on Style Me Pretty.

I decided to bake cupcakes rather than a large cake, just in case the experiment didn't quite work out. I put the cupcakes into a tin and took them into work to try them out on my test audience.

By lunchtime not a cupcake was in sight, always a good sign.

I ate my cupcake last night and I'm happy to report my experiment was a success. It didn't look or taste very much like the original as the cake had a much finer texture.The cake was very moist and most definitely tasted of pumpkin so I'm thinking the recipe is a keeper.
I hope you had lovely weekends,
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