Happy Non Birthday to Me

It's my birthday next week but instead of celebrating the day with family and friends, I'll be en route to Norway. I've chosen tomorrow, June 5, to be my offical non-birthday. I'll be opening my cards and presents in the morning before a visit to the gym then I'm having 2 celebrations - a lunch at my favourite restaurant Sean's Panaroma with family, followed by a dinner at La Scala on Jersey with friends. Why so many celebrations? I've always liked to stretch the birthday festivities out as long as I can.

This little flowergirl has little to do with today's post other than a blog post is always better with a picture and it was shot on black and white film! I don't feel very organised this trip and just the other night I wondered if I had enough film to take with me. I always take a film camera away with me to shoot black and white film as it's my favourite medium.

I checked the fridge and I'm down to the last 2 rolls of black and white so tomorrow after the gym and before lunch I'm heading to my local camera store to track down some of my favourite film, Fuji Neopan 400. Film is too hard to come by these days to assume I'll be able to locate it easily in Oslo.

Have a great weekend and I'll be back again on Monday morning to post the rest of my lime curd crumble cake photos before I fly out. Unfortunately, I left my slice in the freezer at work as I raced out the door today so I won't be able to tell you what it tastes like. Many apologies.


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