
I've been to Zurich before, but it was so long ago I don't remember a thing about it. I stayed in a hotel close to the waterfront and once I was organised walked from there to meet Ray, Mona and Karolina. We walked through the old town together and I decided to return early the next day to take some photos.

I stumbled upon an Indian festival in the old town and loved the vibrant colours.

I found lots of interesting alley ways and used up the last of my black and white film.

Zurich was having a bit of a heat wave so the young and (?) brave could be found diving from the bridge and this platform.

We went for a drive to Stein am Rhein. What a sweet place and what a pity we didn't have more time there.

How cute are baby Karolina's feet?

I'm driving to the country tomorrow to see Farmer Andrew so be prepared for some rural photos in the coming weeks.
Have a great weekend,
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