xmas 2012

I hope you all had  a lovely break over the holiday season. I drove home to Brisbane to spend Christmas with my family. A Brisbane Christmas is usually pretty hot and sticky so consuming roast turkey and the trimmings followed by plum pudding when it's 30ºC outside is a bit of a challenge.

On Christmas Eve I wandered around the neighbourhood taking a few snaps so you could get the feel of a Brisbane Christmas.

One of the things I miss about Brisbane are the poinciana trees. 
I think they're known as flame trees in some places. I'm sure they must grow somewhere in Sydney, but I've not seen any. Aren't they gorgeous?

This house has always been my favourite Ascot/Clayfield/Hamilton home. It's quite English in feel and nothing like a traditional Queenslander, which is a wooden house raised high on stilts.

A last little bit of a Brisbane Christmas for you.

Sydney is gearing up for a scorcher tomorrow, 42ºC +. Thankfully work is air-conditioned but it will be a nightmare at the gym. 

I'll be back later in the week with a special Brisbane shopshoot for you, so until then,


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