matzo brei

I'm almost embarrassed to give you the recipe because it really isn't anything other than matzo, eggs and water. This serves one so for more people just double or treble the quantities.

I really needed to make this in a smaller pan but as I was at my parents place I used what was at hand, which was Dad's lovely old 7 inch cast iron skillet.

Matzo Brei (feeds one generously)
2 matzos, crumbled into coarse pieces
Boiling water
1 egg, beaten
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon butter
Place the crumbled matzo pieces into a colander and pour over boiling water to soften. Let it stand a few minutes before transferring the softened matzo into a small bowl.
Add the beaten egg, salt and pepper to the matzo mixture and thoroughly combine.
Place a small fry pan over a medium heat and heat a small knob of butter until it bubbles. Swirl the butter round to cover the pan before pouring in the mixture and flatten to the edges of the fry pan.
Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture cook slowly for 5 to 10 minutes until set and the under surface is golden brown.
Carefully flip the matzo brei over trying not to let it break into pieces, slipping another knob of butter into the pan.
Continue to cook gently for another 5-10 minutes until the other side is golden.
Cut into wedges and serve with another little knob of butter, salt and a grind of pepper or syrup if you prefer. I topped mine with a slice of smoked salmon when no-one was looking.

P.S. The crunchy bits on the edge are the best!
I'll be back again next week with some more baking, but this time the regular kind.
See you all then,
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