a quick post
Hi Every-one,
it's been a busy few days and I wasn't sure if I'd get the time to write a blog post. I've just flown back from Brisbane and I'm about to pack for my trip to Melbourne and Tasmania. It looks like the temperature in both places could range from 29°C to 2°C with rain predicted as well so I'll have to pack for every eventuality.

I haven't had a chance to prepare my blog post, so I hope this will do until tomorrow. Until then, here's my latest Delicious Bites post for decor8, a recipe for Country Apple Cake. Please note, there's a typo in the recipe that's yet to be corrected. A phantom '?' has appeared in the recipe instead of '⅔'. It should read ' the mixture will be quite soft so using floured hands, press ⅔ of the mixture into the base and up the sides of the tin'.
As all posts are better with pictures, here's a picture of some beautiful flowers my sister sent to my parents.
I'll be back tomorrow with a recipe, so see you all then,
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