MONA, battery point and brockley estate

MONA is the Museum of New and Old Art. Now in an ideal situation I would have caught the ferry to MONA to best appreciate the building but without internet access that couldn't be done so driving there was the next best thing. The MONA website actively discourages driving due to limited parking but as a resident of Sydney's Eastern suburbs where anything less than a 15 minute walk from the car is considered a close park, parking was a breeze. The walk up all those stairs from the ferry is far more challenging that the walk from the car park.

MONA is located next to the Moorilla Estate so you drive in past the vineyard then walk past the restaurant and the rooster on the way to the museum.

MONA is the sort of place you'd expect to find in Sydney or Melbourne. I'm not a modern art aficionado but visiting MONA is an experience and something you just have to do when you're in Hobart.

With a bit of time to kill before driving back to Buckland I drove over to Battery Point, a very scenic and historic part of Hobart where I stayed last time I was in Hobart.

I loved walking the streets taking photos during the sunny breaks in the weather.

I stopped at Jackman & McRoss for some lunch, a lamb and rosemary pie, before driving back to Buckland. Why Buckland, you may ask? Buckland, about an hour's drive from Hobart, is home to Brockley Estate, where I stayed for a few days.

After I booked I found another friend had stayed there late last year and rated Brockley as the highlight of her trip. As I drove in, I was greeted by some inquisitive sheep including this merino ram.

Brockley is run by Julian Roberts and his wife Chaxi, with Chaxi presiding in the kitchen.

After I arrived I took a walk around the property before exploring the house. I stayed in the marble bedchamber and I had the run of the house the first night, which is furnished in the style of a comfortable English country house. I enjoyed poached eggs for breakfast washed down with Lucaston Park apple juice and I was so well fed I couldn't eat another morsel until dinner that night.

I was lucky enough to stay there 2 nights and on the 2nd night I took part in one of Brockley's special dinners, which was the highlight of my trip.
Brockley would be a marvellous venue for a food photography workshop, so if that's something you like to do, I'm sure it could be arranged.
I have loads more images of Hobart to share with you but they can wait until next week. See you later in the week with some baking.
Bye for now,
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