paris in black and white 2016

I was staying close to the old town so I walked through the quiet streets to the Grossmunster.

Some details from the cathedral.

From Zurich I caught the train to Paris just in time for the Euro 2016 Final. I stayed in an apartment just around the corner from the Folies Bergere, which I'd visited on a school trip to Paris when I was 15. It's an area of Paris I wasn't familiar with but with 2 metros close by it was easy to get around.

I'd arranged tickets to the Musee Picasso before I arrived in Paris in an attempt to avoid or to at least minimise the time spent standing in queues. I arrived a bit too early so went for a walk around the block where I found this pretty shop.

The imposing facade of the Musee Picasso.

The Picasso Museum has been renovated since my last visit. I made my way out into the garden where I took this photo. I love this scene.

The Picasso Museum is in the Marais so after my visit, I visited some of my favourite places in the Marais, like this cafe.

The Marais is filled with lots of narrow streets that always look a little the same. Suddenly you'll notice a familiar landmark realise that you've walked this street many times before.

I came across the je'taime sign on my wander through the Marais. It's such a poignant reminder of what Paris has been through during the past 12 months. Just a few days later came the attack on Nice.

I went on the hunt for rotisserie chicken along the Rue St Antoine but was disappointed that my favourite chicken shop was closed for the day.

From Rue St Antoine, I went to the Place des Vosges via a shortcut through the Hotel Sully.

It leads you here to one of the covered arcades around the edge of the Place des Vosges.

I then did a loop back to Rue st Antoine.

From the Marais I visited the Rue Montorgueil in search of some tartlet shells, which I tracked down at La Bovida.

I spied this building under renovation on my walk from Les Halles metro to Rue Montorgueil.

I love to get up high so I can take photos of Parisian rooftops.

My favourite location is the Printemps Department store.

Another view.

On Bastille Day I caught the train to Fontainebleau to visit the Chateau. The interiors were too dark for my 100 ISO film so I took a few photos of the grounds and the exterior of the buildings.

I was blown away by the grandeur and scale of the place.

My favourite image from the day, taken in the gardens of the Chateau.

On my last morning in Paris I took a quick trip the Tuileries to take some early morning images before leaving for the Airport for my flight to Reykjavik.This is the last image I took of Paris, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel with the Louvre in the background.

Next week I'll share my final black and white images from Iceland, then the holiday will be officially over.
See you all again next week,
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