a brisbane wander

I spent most of last week visiting my old home town of Brisbane.

I decided to go into the city on Friday to do some shopping and before the shops opened, I walked to the City Botanic Gardens to see if 
the jacarandas were in bloom. 

I did a big circuit of the city, finding this intriguing alleyway on my way to the gardens. Inner city bars and coffee shops in Brisbane - that I don't remember.

Eventually I found my way to QUT and Parliament House, where I knew I'd find some majestic old jacaranda trees.

It must be 20 years since my last visit to the gardens to attend a friend's wedding. Some parts of the gardens I remembered whilst other parts were all new to me.

It wasn't the brightest of days but I wanted a photo of Brisbane's iconic Story Bridge.

I found this beautiful fountain next to the bamboo grove. I can vaguely recall the bamboo grove but I really don't remember the fountain.

A close-up of the Walter Hill fountain.

I found myself near the ornamental pond where I found a family of lizards sunning themselves. All ran away when they heard my rustling except for this handsome specimen.

I found this beautiful doorway on Edward Street on my way back to the shops.

I really enjoyed reacquainting myself with some of my old haunts. I hope you enjoyed my little wander through the streets of Brisbane.

Bye for now, 


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