sculpture by the sea 2016 - a sydney wander

The weather on Monday was sunny but a little windy, perfect conditions for the walk along the cliff-tops.

There were many sculptures on display, but my favourite sculptures were the ones where the ocean became part of the sculpture.

I'm not sure what this sculpture was called but it looked like a piece of sea life washed onto the shore.

I loved the contrast between this sculpture, the sandstone cliffs, the sea and the sky.

This sculpture was at the start of the walk so I had to be a bit patient waiting for the crowds to move out of my shot.

These vessels reminded me a little of beached Dugongs.

I loved the colours of this mysterious girl.

Just as you arrive at Tamarama, you're greeted by this sculpture. Wouldn't that make a great light fitting?

I visited pre-storm so all the sculptures placed on the beach at Tamarama were still standing.

I was so taken by this sculpture, I shot 3 different views.

A close up of the oars.

And the final shot of shadows on the sand.
I hope you enjoyed my little wander through Sculpture by the Sea, which runs until Sunday November 6 2016.
See you all again next week, with some more baking.
Bye for now,
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