gordon's bay - a sydney wander

I'm an early riser so I left my place nice and early. When I arrived, it was only 6.45 a.m and the place was heaving with joggers and walkers.

Sydney people are obviously crazy about health and fitness. Whatever happened to a good old fashioned Sunday morning lie-in?

I took the short but steep downhill walk to the bay. What I hadn't realised was how many dogs also take the walk. Judging by the number of puppies who made a beeline straight into the water, this is a very popular doggie beach.

As the doggiest of dog people this image makes my heart sing. These 2 puppies enjoying a frolic in the bay were called Daisy and Sally. Sally was very obedient. Daisy less so.

The sun was still high in the sky but I managed to get this image. The wooden boat ramps are such a feature of Gordon's Bay.

Another view of the bay taken before I climbed back up the hill to where I'd parked the car. I found all kinds of amazing banksias in the surrounding streets.

I hope you enjoyed my wander around Gordon's Bay.
See you all again next week.
Bye for now,
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