White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookies

As Friday will be my last day at work for a while, I baked some cookies to take to work. I picked up some Callebaut white chocolate and macadamia nuts at my local fruit market a few weeks ago. I was first introduced to Callebaut chocolate when I worked in Canada. Most of the patients would bring in Laura Secord chocolates as a thank-you gift, a bit like Cadbury Roses, but every now and again a patient would arrive bearing the tell tale gold box from Callebaut. I would carefully select 1 or 2 chocolates for my daily ration to make the box last as long as possible.

I decided to combine both ingredients and tracked down a recipe for white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies. I baked them on Sunday morning whilst simultaneously taking a phone call; finishing off my tax and designing a wedding album. It's all been a little bit hectic around here. The cookie mix made way more cookies than I expected, so the batch should last the Department for at least 2 days. I haven't tasted one yet but they look okay.

Hopefully the next photos I'll be posting will be from my trip. 

Until then,


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