cotton love home

    Welcome to my first shopshoot of the year. I decided it was time to look locally so I took a walk down Edgecliff Road, Woollahra. In recent years its morphed into a part fashion/part design street. Sambag, Little Jo and Joanie Loves Chachi live next to Cotton Love Home, No Chintz and Mud Australia.

    shopshoot,jillian leiboff imaging,sydney,interior,shop photography,cotton love home,woollahra 

    First stop was Cotton Love Home and I asked the owner Susan Sheller if she'd like to be part of the shopshoot experience. She kindly agreed, so my hunt was over.

    shopshoot,jillian leiboff imaging,sydney,interior,shop photography,cotton love home,woollahra

    I've visited the shop a few times before when looking for gifts. Susan has her own line of beach towels, called Cotton Love Home and also stocks bed linen, clothing, jewellery and lots of beautiful glassware.The shop is filled with lots of gorgeous goodies that I could see in my home.

    shopshoot,jillian leiboff imaging,sydney,interior,shop photography,cotton love home,woollahra

    I just love the deep buttoned upholstery on the chairs and the well worn bread boards.

    shopshoot,jillian leiboff imaging,sydney,interior,shop photography,cotton love home,woollahra

    Blue is my favourite colour so I love this little collection.

    shopshoot,jillian leiboff imaging,sydney,interior,shop photography,cotton love home,woollahra

    I have a bit of thing for beautiful lighting and Susan had so many great light fittings on display.

    jillian leiboff imaging,cotton love home,interior photography,sydney,shop photography

    I have a morbid fear of parking fines, so I raced to my car to check it was okay. That's the only reason I left the shop without clutching a bag of goodies!

    Many thanks to Susan for letting me visit her beautiful store,



    1. such beautiful pics!

    2. This shop looks absolutely amazing. I love those cotton towels. I can almost feel the soft and fluffy material. And that light fitting looks awesome. Thanks for sharing this.

    3. So glad you like the photos. It's easy to take nice photos of pretty things,



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