yoghurt pannacotta with poached quince

This is the Joanne Weir recipe I used. Instead of cream, the recipe uses Greek yoghurt and milk flavoured with vanilla. The recipe is pretty foolproof and took no time to put together. To make sure it was silky smooth, I sieved the mixture into the moulds.

The Greek yoghurt I used was pretty tart and in the end I increased both the vanilla and sugar to counteract it's sharpness. I made half the recipe which yielded three 1/2 cup pannacottas with a little bit leftover.

I chilled the pannacottas in the fridge for a few hours and tried to unmould the little one, which turned out to be a bit of a challenge. After 3 goes, I finally unmoulded the pannacotta and had it for my dessert.

So what did I think? I found the pannacotta quite bland and not sweet enough. I decided to pair the pannacotta with the oven poached quince I had in the fridge.

So what did I think of my chance pairing? Yum, yum and double yum. The quince was a perfect match. I'm going to play around with the recipe a little and see if I can make a summery tropical version using coconut milk.

You're going to see a little bit less of me during the coming months. Following a 3 month break I went back to full time work today. Blogging is a time consuming business and now that I'm back at work, I just don't have enough hours in my weekend to post twice weekly and write my monthly Delicious Bites column for decor8.
Something had to give and whilst I'd love that to have been my day job, it does pay the bills. I hope you all understand.
See you all again next week,
This one definitely I will try it. !!!